Using Gryffin as an SEO Management Tool

Project management software typically doesn’t incorporate SEO management tools into features and benefits. Using Gryffin as an SEO management tool allows agencies to better understand clients’ SEO health to increase rankings, improve visibility and optimize content.

Connect to Google Analytics

Gryffin offers numerous reporting capabilities specific to digital marketing SEO. Gryffin connects with Google Analytics to provide the power of SEO analytics and data to digital marketing project management.

Connecting to Google Analytics allows agencies to constantly monitor each client’s digital rankings and performance. Many agencies don’t have the capabilities to connect into Google Analytics to access key data. With Gryffin, all SEO data from Google Analytics can be pulled up within Gryffin’s Executive Dashboard.  

See All the Data

Anyone can access their client’s site performance data on Google Analytics or Google Search Console.  The challenge comes from trying to:

  1. Identify what changes need to be made
  2. Create tasks or projects based on these changes
  3. Track the effectiveness of changes made

Once you notice that a keyword ranking has dropped, or that a page has lost visibility, the magic is in acting as quickly as possible to avoid loss to the clients.

This can be challenging as there can be dozens of changes that need to be made, and they all need to be assigned to team members, implemented, and then assessed to see if the changes resulted in positive growth or a further loss.

For example, if a particular keyword shot down in the rankings, and the page decreased its visibility because of the poor keyword rankings, managers can immediately task team members to optimize the page with better content, for load speed, or with any technical issues.   New keywords may infuse life into old content. Or entire pages may need to be rewritten

Through Gryffin, agencies can track projects and implement changes within the program.

Using Gryffin as an SEO Management Tool

Three Core Capabilities of Gryffin’s SEO Management Tools

Agencies that may wonder why they need internal SEO management tools need to step back and consider the three ways that Gryffin can change the way the agency manages SEO. Gryffin offers three core capabilities with its SEO management tools:

  • Find and Identify Data
  • Create Projects and Task (and Track Everything!)
  • Track Results by Creating Experiments

By integrating with Google Analytics and Google Search Console, Gryffin empowers agencies to find and identify relevant SEO data. Agencies can easily see what pages and sites are performing and which ones are not doing so well.

Gryffin is designed as a project management platform, which means that agencies can create and assign individual projects and tasks. For each task and project, the agency can delegate a workflow to ensure that the final project is delivered on time.

However, each task or project also may be linked to specific keywords. For example, a blog article for a client may need to hit multiple keywords to possibly boost rankings.  

This dovetails into Gryffin’s third core capability. Through Gryffin, the agency can implement new experiments for pages that may be dropping in position. If the keyword didn’t perform, the agency can create an experiment with new keywords. Then, this becomes an A/B test for agencies to identify, all in one place, if the changes were positive or negative. 

Project management capabilities and the SEO management capabilities work together so that agencies can better understand the impact of content and make the necessary changes to a page or a site when rankings drop.

Using Gryffin as an SEO Management Tool

Why Your Agency Needs Gryffin

If your agency is paying for an SEO consultant to monitor client pages and rankings, Gryffin can provide the tools to allow the agency to monitor that data internally.  

All of the data for each site and site pages can be analyzed within the same program your agency uses for task delegation and project implementation. Having content creation and SEO analytics in the same program lets the agency make changes to content immediately so that rankings don’t continue to nosedive.

Take charge of your client’s SEO data and choose project management software that includes built-in SEO management tools. Have everything you need in one place to implement successful communication campaigns powered by SEO.

While this all sounds fantastically great for business, you might be hesitating. Especially if perhaps you don’t feel like you’re such a whiz at technology. Relax! Gryffin’s platform is simple, and we promise you won’t be overwhelmed.

If you’re not sure if it’s for you, sign up for a free trial and take it for a spin. Get a feel for the features so you can better understand how Gryffin can help your agency…and elevate your clients. We can take you through a tour of all the features so you don’t feel overwhelmed in a tech maze.

Now what are you waiting for? Sign up for a free trial for Gryffin today!