How To Develop A Marketing Strategy

Effective marketing is the driving force of growth behind almost all successful companies. Sure, some do well by referrals and recommendations only but would do much better with effective marketing.

Notice the word “effective”. Marketing is pretty hit and miss if you just throw money and time at different sales funnels without adjusting strategies.

But, how can I know which strategies are more effective for my business? The answer is simple: using a data-driven marketing strategy.

Each business is different and what works amazingly well for one, could be a disaster for another. This is why marketing should be monitored and data-driven.

If you aren’t leveraging the power of data-driven marketing, your company is bleeding out cash in multiple areas.

Data is vital for marketing, especially so for digital marketing campaigns.  But what data do you need, and where do you get it?

Why is Data-Driven Marketing So Important for Digital Agencies?

Planning a marketing campaign isn’t easy. Each business or client has different needs and should be targeting numerous channels.

Many will simply take “proven strategies” that have worked before and recycle them.

Sure, you can plan a marketing campaign based on ideas and previously used approaches, but why would you want to do that? There is no guarantee it will work in your current situation or company.

Whereas if you have data-driven marketing, it becomes an ever-evolving marketing strategy.

So, instead of throwing money at strategies that aren’t working, more of the budget and focus can be given to what is working, or you can adjust failing strategies to make them successful.

This means that instead of aimlessly investing in marketing, the strategies become laser-targeted for both attracting potential clients and converting them into paying customers.

How to Create the Perfect Marketing Plan

If you jumped straight to this section, first of all, stop dreaming and wake up. There is no perfect plan or an easy fix.

Marketing isn’t a science, it’s an art form!

However, that doesn’t mean that we can’t use science, technology, and data to improve it.

If you know your budget, goals, approach, and conversions you can use tracking and data to optimize every step.

How To Develop A Marketing Strategy

Let’s take a look at the optimization of a website page. Here are just a few of the data-driven marketing strategy tools that Gryffin provides to allow for optimized and proactive marketing campaigns:

Case Study of Data-Driven Marketing

As Gryffin project management integrates with Google Console and SEM Rush, it can provide live and historic feedback on digital marketing campaigns.

From within the dashboard, websites are monitored, tasks assigned, and every movement tracked.

So, for example, let’s say a client’s website has lost traffic and no one knows why. By using the data collected from Google Search Console and leveraging the tools of SEM Rush, it is possible to do the following:

  1. Identify websites that have gained or lost traffic from the main dashboard.
  2. Drill into a website for more information to identify what has caused an increase/decrease.
  3. Analyze if the traffic increase/decrease has had an impact on sales.
  4. Find pages/articles that are causing the increase/decrease.
  5. Learn from increased traffic pages and see what you did right.
  6. Setup experiments for pages with decreases (an experiment tracks the changes from the time of setup and also allows you to assign the necessary tasks, such as revamping content).
  7. Get ahead by pulling in competitor keywords to use in your experiments. The system can actually bring the selected keywords straight into a project/experiment.
  8. Incorporate the imported keywords seamlessly with an integrated content management system into the existing pages or entirely separate test pages.
  9. Then later, review and compare experiments and normal campaigns to see what is working.

By having this data to hand and as a part of your marketing platform, you can proactively manage and modify campaigns. 

Even parts of your campaign that are performing well could be increased by adding more content.

How To Develop A Marketing Strategy

Key Questions to Ask

Once you start to have data that allows you to proactively adjust campaigns, it’s important to consider the following:

Which pages create the most conversions?

Which pages are attracting the most visitors? Are they converting visitors?

Which types of content work with your target audience?

By asking these questions, you can work on converting a high traffic page into a high traffic page with good conversion rates.

Results will be driven by real information, which means that instead of waiting until next year, you can act today.

And, speaking of acting today, why not try the Gryffin free trial to see how easy data-driven marketing can be!